Monday 18 January 2010

Food Web in the Sagebrush steppe ecosystem

1a) All carnivors and harbivors eat plants. In this food web case the insects prongnhorn and other grazers, squirrels and other small residents.

b) Snakes are eaten by badgers and raptors.
c) Insects are eaten by bats, lizards and small reptiles.
d) Mountain lions are not eaten by anything because they are top preditors.

2) The pronghorn and other grazors and lizards and reptiles will increase , but so will the raptors and mountain lions because there will be more food for them.

3) The pronghorn and other grazors will decrease because too many mountain lions will be eating them.

4) They will make tte soil more full useful neutrons and all animals that eat it .

1 comment:

  1. Afra,

    Put more effort into your answers. You need to practice answering in greater detail. Question four requires much more thought. I am using your homework as further evidence of for criteria B. So try to explain your answers and show you understand the terminology.

    Great job getting your homework done.

    Mr. Rhodes
